Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Florida Center for Reading Research

The Florida Center for Reading Research website is an extremely helpful website that provides essential resources for developing and implementing reading interventions. Due to the school psychologist's often frequent role in RTI, this website can be very beneficial to their role in working with struggling readers. This resource was introduced to me by my practicum supervisor who referred to it routinely while she worked in school districts in both South Carolina and Indiana.

As the website reads, the Florida Center for Reading Research was established in January 2002 and is jointly administered at Florida State University by the Learning Systems Institute and the College of Arts and Sciences. Listed as a component of the center's mission is to "conduct basic research on reading, reading growth, reading assessment, and reading instruction that will contribute to the scientific knowledge of reading and benefit students in Florida and throughout the nation."

The site allows the school psychologist to easily search for evidence-based reading resources based upon grade level. While some of these ideas are designed for teachers working with students in centers, they can easily be modified for a school psychologist to use either one-on-one with a struggling student or in a small group of readers. A search can be made across all five core areas of reading (i.e., phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension). Most of these resources can be searched and viewed free of charge. I currently am working on a reading intervention at my practicum placement and have found this site to be helpful in planning!

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