Tuesday, December 7, 2010

A Great Read!

Natalie Rathvon's second edition of Effective School Interventions is a text that I first purchased as a requirement for Introduction to School Psychology course. Initially it was just another textbook, but has since become a resource I find myself regularly referring back to for intervention ideas and evidence-based technique.

Prior to releasing the second version of this book, Rathvon spent four years researching what worked in schools, as well as what was not as successful as desired. She then took her research and organized it in a way that can be put to practical use everyday in schools. This book outlines what she considered to be the top 70 interventions broken down into academic, behavioral, and classroom management strategies.

Specific to reading, pages 175-228 in the second edition outline several interventions shown to lead to improvement in the areas of decoding and word recognition, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. For each specific intervention, Rathvon provides an overview, purpose, materials needed, steps for implementation, and evaluation. As mentioned in the text, reading problems are the most common cause of school referrals for psychological services. This resource is a definite must for today's practicing school psychologist interested in helping students succeed in reading!

For more information visit Natalie Rathvon's personal website.

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